Civil Engineering image

The Civil Engineering Project is a software experience designed to teach engineering students how to read and understand building plans. It is an interactive quiz that takes place while exploring a 3D building model on an Oculus headset. I was the lead developer for this project, working alongside engineers to implement their 3D data and teaching materials.

Arena structure

Building models were provided by the Engineering team in Revit or SketchUp formats, and imported into Unity. Various pieces of the structure, as marked in the building plans, must be located and identified by the user. Users are scored based on their performance.

Arena structure

Additonal modules appear to describe aspects of the building using text, voiceover, videos, or animations. A hub environment is planned, allowing users to load one of several building models to explore.

Column deformation example
Simulation of column deformation under stress

Additional modules include an interactive simulation of column deformation under stress. Users can apply stress to the column in VR and see the resulting effects.

Tools Used

Unity 2020.2
Blender 2.8

Programming languages used: C#